Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I am over 10 days in to the program now and I am loving it! We have already learned quite a lot of Zulu and I can get around now in the township where my host family has adopted me. They are simply the best and I know we are going to learn so much off of each other's cultures.

I have done a lot in the past days, I landed in Johannesburg and did a bit of tourism. I then stayed in Marloth Park close to Kruger National Park where I lived next to the crocodiles,hippos, lions and many more animals. Then we made the 12 hour commute to the city of Durban and tasted its night life in a weekend! And now I am living with my host family and enjoying South Africa (as well as learning a wealth of information).

I am still not homesick since I keep moving around but once it kicks in that I can't drive home for the weekend, I will need food to comfort me! I am really leaning towards three research projects for my final Independent Study Project that will wrap up my semester. The three different research questions are:

1. What barriers (using the Health Belief Model, HBM) discourage Zulu South Africans from traveling from their home to a medical facility in the event of illness?
2. In Zulu youth, does an Ubuntu shadow affect the attitudes the youth have in regards to their relationship with the HIV prevalence?
3. What difficulties do poor South African university students have to cope with and how does it affect their health?

Obviously I am no where near perfecting these questions. However I do have to pick one in a few weeks. I will be attentive during the future lectures in order to figure out which of these research topics will be the most successful and contribute the most to the current literature today.

I cannot believe how much I have learned here in Durban. I am being exposed to so much information that I really do hope I can retain it all! This semester is really making me consider applying for a Fulbright Fellowship...

Well that is it for today's post, I really do want to encourage all of those considering studying abroad in a non-European country. It is by far a great experience I will cherish into my old age.

Hambani Kahle!
Jorge De Avila

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Constitution Hill

I would first like to point out that this 10 hour difference can really make your life miserable during jet lag. My body wants to sleep but the daylight is confusing my eyes. Also the days here are hella long. The sun rose this morning at around 4:30 am and last night it set until after 7 pm. I guess it makes sense since this is the peak of summer. There was also a vicious thunderstorm during the night and also throughout the day.
We first went to Constitution Hill which used to be a prison. During apartheid a lot of political prisoners were sent from a few months to life at Constitution Hill. The living conditions were terrible with many unsanitary and humiliating conditions. I was appalled to hear that all prisoners were stripped naked in front of everyone after coming in from work, and made to squat, jump, clap their hands and make a clicking noise in order to drop anything they may be hiding in their rectum. It was a terrible practice the guards did and there was much more. Important prisoners included Gandhi and Mandela.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Made it to Johannesburg

I am fighting so hard to keep my eyes open! However I know if I take a nap it won't help my circadian rhythm. So far everyone is my group is amazing, I know this semester is going to be a good one. However there are only 3 guys including me which is crazy.

I unfortunately don't have enough data to upload a photo but I will soon! We are going to Kruger National Park soon and Zedd, our program director that if we choose to run in the morning by the gate, we will be able to see elephants. =D Yes, I will take photos!

The weather is warm, not too hot however. It is very similar to Los Angeles weather maybe perhaps with 5 degrees higher. It rains here more however. It has not sunk in yet that I am here however! I know for sure once I give it two weeks it will sink since I won't be able to drive home like I used to at USC. Definitely I don't regret studying abroad in Durban and I am really looking forward to this semester.

Pictures will come soon on the next entry!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Survived my 10 hour flight to Paris. Even though I had to endure a baby crying next to mean and a man that was sick and fainted in front of me (it was intense). I am though a bit disappointed I wasn't able to leave the airport to explore for an hour or two. It is to cold here and I don't have the appropriate clothes. Either way I am excited because I just need to sit through one more 12 hour flight and I will be in South Africa.

With all this free time I have had, I read up a lot on Nelson Mandela. I really can't wait to start taking my courses on South Africa social policy. His patience for being in jail for over 2 decades and a half and then taking the role of the leader of South Africa just shows his tremendous determination. We all can learn a lot from his life. He was not a perfect man of course, like the rest of us he had his flaws. However it was his ever growing maturity and willingness to become better is what makes him stand out. He went to jail very aggressive and came out a calm and patient man.

Well with that said I can't wait to fly into the country tomorrow morning and start the semester. Oh and by the way, Paris is very expensive. I'm going to loose an arm if I say any second longer.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I first wanted to welcome everyone reading this to be apart of my study abroad experience. I will be moving to the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa in less than two days to study community health and social policy. I am really excited and blessed to be given this opportunity! I am looking forward to sharing my photos, stories, and experiences with you all. I will have limited internet accessibility so my social media accounts will be of little help to sharing this experience. 

Also as I get ready to leave I just wanted to point out it is my mother's birthday today and without her, this experience would have not been possible. 

Feliz Cumpleanos Ama!

With that said I will be posting again once I arrive to my first pit stop, PARIS =) Au Revoir!