Friday, January 24, 2014

Made it to Johannesburg

I am fighting so hard to keep my eyes open! However I know if I take a nap it won't help my circadian rhythm. So far everyone is my group is amazing, I know this semester is going to be a good one. However there are only 3 guys including me which is crazy.

I unfortunately don't have enough data to upload a photo but I will soon! We are going to Kruger National Park soon and Zedd, our program director that if we choose to run in the morning by the gate, we will be able to see elephants. =D Yes, I will take photos!

The weather is warm, not too hot however. It is very similar to Los Angeles weather maybe perhaps with 5 degrees higher. It rains here more however. It has not sunk in yet that I am here however! I know for sure once I give it two weeks it will sink since I won't be able to drive home like I used to at USC. Definitely I don't regret studying abroad in Durban and I am really looking forward to this semester.

Pictures will come soon on the next entry!

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