Thursday, January 23, 2014

Survived my 10 hour flight to Paris. Even though I had to endure a baby crying next to mean and a man that was sick and fainted in front of me (it was intense). I am though a bit disappointed I wasn't able to leave the airport to explore for an hour or two. It is to cold here and I don't have the appropriate clothes. Either way I am excited because I just need to sit through one more 12 hour flight and I will be in South Africa.

With all this free time I have had, I read up a lot on Nelson Mandela. I really can't wait to start taking my courses on South Africa social policy. His patience for being in jail for over 2 decades and a half and then taking the role of the leader of South Africa just shows his tremendous determination. We all can learn a lot from his life. He was not a perfect man of course, like the rest of us he had his flaws. However it was his ever growing maturity and willingness to become better is what makes him stand out. He went to jail very aggressive and came out a calm and patient man.

Well with that said I can't wait to fly into the country tomorrow morning and start the semester. Oh and by the way, Paris is very expensive. I'm going to loose an arm if I say any second longer.

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